Induction program for new Aatmajas

Induction program for new Aatmajas

On 21st April’ 18 we organized a Welcome Function where we inducted thirty three  new Aatmajas. Function started with Mrs. Priti Rao addressing the gathering, followed by certificate award ceremony. All the girls were thrilled to be part of Aatmaja Foundation and...
Career Counseling – April 18 to May 18

Career Counseling – April 18 to May 18

Forty three Aatmajas appeared for career counseling exam @ Aatmaja foundation AIM (Aptitude & Intelligence Measurement Test) online test and guidance sessions were conducted by Ms. Priya Gurav for each girl. This test measures several abilities & orientations,...
Workshop on “Mediocre to Magnificent”

Workshop on “Mediocre to Magnificent”

“Mediocre to Magnificent” was held @ Aatmaja FoundationMr. Atul Meshramkar was the guest speaker of the session, it was an interactive session he explained Aatmajas how to remain motivated and keep our goals and standards high. What are the changes required to become...